Frequently Asked Questions
I would recommend reading before asking any questions.
❥ Who is typeblue/dacrylagnia?
I'm typeblue & dacrylagnia ✿ I'm very inspired by Japanese artists, especially those who work in manga and anime. However, I have an appreciation for art coming from all corners of the world. I mainly work in 2D illustration, for now. I hope you can see my works for what they are.

❥ Where else can I find you?
I'm on Twitter and Instagram. You can contact me there, but it is not always checked daily. I would recommend reaching me by e-mail ( instead.

❥ Why do you use two aliases?
I don't only use two aliases.

❥ What do you work on?
2D illustration, character design, album covers

❥ What are your influences? How do you come up with ideas?
The artists I like are very influential to me. I want to make something at least half as good as what they do. Some of my favorite artists are Patricia Piccinini, Yasushi Nirasawa, Yui_mera, and sharkplane77.

For ideas, sometimes I lift them from old mythology and folklore. Sometimes an idea is based on what I think would be hot. Sometimes an idea is how I want the world to be. I focus on the issues in the world that matter to me, especially the ones others may forget.

I find nature to be my biggest source of inspiration. There are so many strange and beautiful animals in this world. Humans are just one of many.

❥ Can I use your art?
Yes! You can save my art. You can reupload it as long as either a signature is visible or you credit me. You can use it for:
  • Profile picture
  • Phone background
  • Desktop background
  • Personal social media banner
  • Other personal usage (Not as a brand or company)
You can also use it in collages. You can print it out for personal use.
Please let me know when you do this! I'm happy to see how you used it.

You can’t use it in videos unless you have my permission. You also can't use it to make money or advertise anything unless it is my own site.
Don’t claim it as your own under any circumstances.
If the piece you want to use is a commissioned work, you cannot use it.

If you aren’t sure if you can use it, don’t be afraid to contact me.

❥ Can I make a design based on yours?
Yes, that's okay. Please try to be original with your design inspired by me. Changing species and nothing more is not appropriate.
If you think your design is too close, you can ask me.
❥ Your art offends me/it fetishizes certain groups/etc.
There is far more offensive art out there that is meant to spread hate and fear. I mostly draw characters I find pretty or interesting. If that is truly offensive to you, I can do nothing for you.

❥ You’re pretentious and cringey.
All artists are.
Other Things to Know
Just because I draw erotic art does not mean it is OK to send me pornography or inappropriate sexual messages in private. I give you access to my art for you to enjoy it, but I do not need to know how you enjoy it.

I do not intend for my art to be an invitation for sexual roleplay or other sexual interactions.